“If We Sin Willfully…”
“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” (Heb 10:26, 27). Exactly what is the writer saying here? To whom is he referring? What does he … [Read more…]
In a recent conversation concerning eyeglasses the subject of “transition lenses” was mentioned. I’m sure you are familiar with both the term and the eyeglasses to which it applies. As the light gets brighter these lenses automatically darken to compensate for the glare. In other words, they make a “transition” from being glasses to being … [Read more…]
Why Me, Lord?
Self pity is probably one of the easiest traps in which to get caught. The thought many times is, “What have I done to deserve this,” or “Why am I being punished,” or “I’m trying to do right but everything seems to go wrong.” Those might be valid questions if humanity had been created by … [Read more…]
Should We Or Shouldn’t We?
There are many things that we, as human beings, are capable of doing. Many of those are good things and we should do them. After all, the physical brother of our Lord instructs us: “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17). Conversely, … [Read more…]
Getting Along With Difficult People
Not long ago I was asked about Biblical principles for getting along with, for lack of a better description, “difficult” people. How should we handle situations where we find ourselves in conflict with a person of this type? What do we do about it when someone does us wrong? Is it ever right to retaliate … [Read more…]
Don’t Be An Enemy
David was Saul’s enemy, but Saul was not David’s. Saul’s hate couldn’t make David hate. In a world of Sauls, be a David. I ran across this “meme” on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. It illustrates a concept that God would have everyone to emulate. King Saul was the aggressor in his relationship with … [Read more…]
Is Faith Blind?
Is Faith Blind? The farmer plants his seed in the ground. He believes/has faith that with the proper soil conditions, nutrients, temperature, and moisture, his seed will sprout, grow into a productive plant, and produce a crop. Why? Because he has seen it happen over and over again. When a person is accused of a … [Read more…]
Instant Gratification
It seems we are living in a world that demands instant gratification. If you doubt that just look at some of the readily available information concerning debt in the USA. The website Debt.org breaks consumer debt down into four main categories: Home (mortgage), auto, student loans, and credit cards. All those types of credit allow … [Read more…]